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Life Transitions

Coaching to Support Your Next Steps

You Can Find the Direction that Makes Sense To You, and The Steps That Will Take Your There.

You Just Need a Process that Keeps You Steady As You Go.
Sometimes things change, and sometimes we need things to change.

Finding the confidence and clarity around transitions is essential to shaping your next phase so it fits you and lets you grow.
Without fixed and steady reference points, we are almost sure to become hopelessly lost.
Your past experiences may prove of limited use if you're facing significant change which takes you into truly new territory. Even if this new territory is of your own choosing.

Travelling into the unknown alone is daunting. You don't know what you don't know. It's like you're a novice all over again, and that makes it hard even to recognise what would help you along.

It's easy to begin to doubt yourself, to let mounting anxiety and fear get the better of you.

Even as you try to keep on an even keel, you hesitate, you hang back from making decisions, you procrastinate. You start to second-guess yourself, and then to berate yourself for letting yourself (and possibly others) down.
Transitions can make us feel apprehensive, lost and overwhelmed.
With a suitable structure and support, you can feel safe, inspired and confident.
Fundamental Conflict:
Integrity or despair

Keep A Steady Footing, with Every Step You Take

It's possible to travel a long way, one step at a time.

A journey of 20 miles can be accomplished in thick fog, where you can only see one yard in front of you.

The challenge is that the next yard only comes into view as you traverse the yard before it. Standing where you are, no matter how long you remain here, will not reveal what you're seeking.

It is possible to take confident steps, even if you don't have an exact plan for every mile of the journey ahead.

It is possible to make choices that feel authentic and take into account the multiple contexts that matter to you.

You can put together a dynamic, flexible 'map' of the territory you're stepping into, that keeps you safe as the next steps emerge.

Coaching can provide the structure and support that helps you shift from feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed to a new curiousity and excitement about what's next for you.

I'm here to help you get there.

Wellbeing and Relationship Coach Margarita Steinberg
Margarita Steinberg
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach
Nobody knows better for you than you.

I coach you through the process of mapping out everything in play for you, so that you arrive at the right decision for you.

Each stage of the exploration is approached as a structured process, with the results of one stage becoming the foundation for the next.

It is amazing how far and how fast you can travel one clear step at a time!
To find out if I'm the right coach for you, and to ask any question you might have, book a no-obligation discovery call with me today.
Open to possibilities - if they match what I'm looking for

Margarita opened up the space to be, one in which I can reflect on things and move forward without feeling like I'm drowning.

A definite sense of being open to possibilities, but only if they correspond to what I'm looking for.
Judith Good, Professor of Interaction Design and Inclusion

Read the full testimonial →
"Margarita opened up the space to be, one in which I can reflect on things and move forward without feeling like I'm drowning.

A definite sense of being open to possibilities, but only if they correspond to what I'm looking for."

Judith Good, Professor of Interaction Design and Inclusion

Read the full testimonial →

Group Coaching Programmes

As well as working with clients 1-to-1, I run two related group programmes.
Click on the images to find out more.
You Begin to Feel Like a Treasure Chest

"Margarita has a fantastically reassuring presence – calm and soothing in a way that gives you a sense of peaceful discovery, and real and composed enough to inspire real change. Her guidance feels delicate and not at all intrusive – you learn that the best way to climb a mountain is to take a walk (be brave, keep going, and plan as you go along).

She is able to connect on a truly genuine level - her approach is that of personal relation, engagement and understanding.

A career coaching conversation leads to an endeavour in discovering your own depths – whilst still keeping it closely concerned with real prospects. Margarita's guidance leads your thinking into a more resourceful and confident place. You begin to feel like a treasure chest, able to pick which one of your jewels to frame next.

It is easy to get overwhelmed when diving deep, especially if the depths are within. Having a guide able to lovingly give order to your disorganised flow of personal discoveries encourages you to go deeper. I have a structuring problem – it is easy for me to respond to an impulse (a catalyst phrase, question, or take a thinking turn), to fish out a profound confession or an exciting idea; it is much more difficult though to give it shape and dimension, to link it with its sister-ideas, and to take it further to give it flesh. Margarita's compassionate listening somehow gives me an anchor and a pair of wings in a most inspiring two-for-one bargain."

Read the full testimonial →

Paulina T.
Art Historian
"Margarita has a fantastically reassuring presence – calm and soothing in a way that gives you a sense of peaceful discovery, and real and composed enough to inspire real change. Her guidance feels delicate and not at all intrusive – you learn that the best way to climb a mountain is to take a walk (be brave, keep going, and plan as you go along).

She is able to connect on a truly genuine level - her approach is that of personal relation, engagement and understanding.

A career coaching conversation leads to an endeavour in discovering your own depths – whilst still keeping it closely concerned with real prospects. Margarita's guidance leads your thinking into a more resourceful and confident place. You begin to feel like a treasure chest, able to pick which one of your jewels to frame next.

It is easy to get overwhelmed when diving deep, especially if the depths are within. Having a guide able to lovingly give order to your disorganised flow of personal discoveries encourages you to go deeper. I have a structuring problem – it is easy for me to respond to an impulse (a catalyst phrase, question, or take a thinking turn), to fish out a profound confession or an exciting idea; it is much more difficult though to give it shape and dimension, to link it with its sister-ideas, and to take it further to give it flesh. Margarita's compassionate listening somehow gives me an anchor and a pair of wings in a most inspiring two-for-one bargain."

Paulina T., Art Historian

Read the full testimonial →
You may be wondering
The range of approaches that a professional can choose from goes far beyond what most people are even aware exists.

My clients experience surprising relevations at every session. They leave each session equipped with a new perspective that moves them beyond the territory where they'd been stuck. Plus, I work with them to devise clear action steps that foster new levels of clarity and confidence.
The range of approaches that a professional can choose from goes far beyond what most people are even aware exists.

My clients experience surprising relevations at every session. They leave each session equipped with a new perspective that moves them beyond the territory where they'd been stuck. Plus, I work with them to devise clear action steps that foster new levels of clarity and confidence.

Do you need help with a transition?

Book a no-obligation call with Margarita today.