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ByHeart Workshops
The Dance of Leadership
The Dance of Leadership workshop uses the fundamentals of Argentine Tango to offer a fresh way to enhance your visceral understanding of leading and relating.
In preparation: One step a time: how to thrive in a dynamic world, a book on strategies for thriving in our truly dynamic, unpredictable world.
One step at a time
Half Day or Full Day Workshop – from £750
Book: In Preparation
What our workshop participants say
"It is about making the undiscussable discussable, about not taking for granted what is taken for granted, about getting the underground above-ground so that the unmanageable can become manageable."
Chris Argysis, 'Overcoming Organizational Defences'
"It was an eye-opening experience and I now understand why I feel frustrated about my particular problem in a physical metaphor. I do not know how my problem can be solved, yet understanding why has given me a sense of relief."
Dr Haruko Okamoto, University of Sussex