Couples in Business
Coaching to Win at Home and Work
Coaching to Win at Home and Work

Couples in Business

You Can Renew the Harmony and Spark in Your Relationship.

You Can Renew the Harmony and Spark in Your Relationship.

You Just Need To Learn How.
Working with your spouse or partner can be demanding!

You probably came together as a couple in part so that you could turn to each other for strength.

So that you could support each other through thick and thin.

But this can be hard to sustain when you don't just live together, but work together, too.

At times of stress, the inner resources you draw on to support each other can begin to run dry.

Each of you can begin to feel over-stretched and isolated in the relationship.

Tenderness, play, sharing your erotic lives - such crucial aspects of intimate relationships - can get left out and almost forgotten.
You probably didn't expect to feel so lonely. This is the person you hoped would be your closest companion and playmate.
You probably didn't expect to feel so lonely. This is the person you hoped would be your closest companion and playmate.
Meaningful and fulfilling relationships are not always easy to achieve.

Many things turn up to challenge the strength of connection and partnership between the two of you: upheavals in the world, the pressures of raising and supporting a family, business challenges, the list just goes on.
If your shared goal is to stay together, if love and affection are still in the mix despite frustrations, then it is possible to refresh and strengthen your relationship.

I'm Here to Help You Get There.

Margarita Steinberg
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach
Ultimately, my goal as your coach is to help you re-discover the joy, the fun, the play that was so thrilling when you were first getting to know each other!

I am committed to understanding how things make sense for you. I then help you to overcome blockages in a way that resonates with you and your unique situation.

I want to hear about your stresses because I am excited about what they could change into – something that's not only better than what you have now but something truly magical and fulfilling.

I will introduce you to new relationship skills, and continue to support both of you while you put these into practice.
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach Margarita Steinberg
Margarita Steinberg
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach
Ultimately, my goal as your coach is to help you re-discover the joy, the fun, the play that was so thrilling when you were first getting to know each other!

I am committed to understanding how things make sense for you. I then help you to overcome blockages in a way that resonates with you and your unique situation.

I want to hear about your stresses because I am excited about what they could change into – something that's not only better than what you have now but something truly magical and fulfilling.

I will introduce you to new relationship skills, and continue to support both of you while you put these into practice.
To find out if I'm the right relationship coach for you, and to ask any question you might have, book a no-obligation discovery call with me today.
The effect has been astonishing

It VERY quickly became clear that Margarita has a unique gift for tapping into a part of both of us as individuals that neither of us had known or even cared to know. Then she introduced those parts of us to each other. Sounds simple (and a little bizarre, I know) but the effect has been astonishing.

I honestly can't imagine a better investment in our family's future. Our 14-year old son said the other day, "Aw, you guys are so cute!" and I realised that it's been a long time since he'd seen us that way.
The effect has been astonishing

"It VERY quickly became clear that Margarita has a unique gift for tapping into a part of both of us as individuals that neither of us had known or even cared to know. Then she introduced those parts of us to each other. Sounds simple (and a little bizarre, I know) but the effect has been astonishing.

I honestly can't imagine a better investment in our family's future. Our 14-year old son said the other day, "Aw, you guys are so cute!" and I realised that it's been a long time since he'd seen us that way."

Margaret P. - Wife and Mother

Read full-length testimonials from couples →

Couples in Business

Bespoke Coaching Support

This service is 100% bespoke.

We look at the heart of what's worrying you and address the things that you're finding most challenging.

Usually, couples progress over a series of 9 sessions. Often in three phases, as described below:
(click the Down Arrow for each section to see further details)
Phase 1. Resolve conflicts (3 - 4 sessions) ▼
This phase consists of two stages:

  1. Individual session with each of you separately
    I will meet with each of you separately, to understand your specific perspective on what's been happening and to confirm that you both are genuinely willing to re-build your relationship.With each of you, I will watch, listen to what you are saying, to the echoes and implications of what you are saying. I will also listen out for what you may not be putting into words, to help me gain a deeper understanding of what you are saying. These two initial meetings (one with each of you) allow us to build rapport and trust. This trust will allow us to tackle thorny issues together later with greater comfort.

  2. Joint appointments focused on break-out sessions
    During this phase, I discuss with each of you in turn topics that have been causing friction between you, and help you untangle what got these so complicated. I will guide these individual explorations, with the other partner getting the benefit of observing the process and hearing the disclosures, without being put on the spot to provide a response. At the end of each break-out session, we bring together the experience of the person in the 'hot seat' and their partner's experience witnessing the process. This will begin to create a deeper intimacy, as you allow each other to experience what has been hidden, or overlooked, before. I have found that people frequently learn about each other's inner lives during these conversations at a depth that they had never achieved before.

Results of Phase 1

  1. Each of you feels fully heard and understood

  2. You are clear on what has been causing tensions and flare-ups

  3. You have found resolution for at least some of the hottest conflicts

  4. You have a greater sense of a joint adventure of discovery, and a more optimistic outlook for what lies ahead
Phase 2. Foster a new conversation (2 - 3 sessions) ▼
This phase lays the foundations for the creation of your new relaxed, mutually supportive, playful and enjoyable relationship:

  1. Integrate the conversation
    In this phase, we will continue using the break-out session pattern, with the difference that the 'witnessing' partner is increasingly actively involved in the discussion. By this stage, you will have the benefit of having learnt from the earlier sessions. Your new conversations will already be based on the insights you've gained in Phase 1.

  2. Enhance your relating skills
    We will establish your individual level of relating skills and design a programme to help each of you expand your relating vocabulary. This will ensure that your interactions at home and at play will benefit from your newly enhanced skills and avoid the pitfalls that previously caused tensions.

Results of Phase 2

  1. You feel heard and understood by your partner

  2. You are able to give your partner the experience of feeling heard and understood

  3. You trust that difficult disclosures will be received in a supportive manner, and feel excited at the growing sense of intimacy between you
Phase 3. Create more joy (3 - 4 sessions) ▼
Phase 2 has helped you feel more in touch with each other. Now is the time to build even more positive feelings and help you embrace practices that create excitement and enjoyment, for yourself and for your partner, for today and for the future.

  1. Boost the fun element
    I design for you a tailored programme of specific tasks that you undertake, together and as individuals, between the coaching sessions. The aim of this programme is to inject pockets of fun and playfulness, and bolster your overall sense of building an enjoyable partnership.

  2. Cherish the attraction
    We explore to re-discover what initially attracted you to each other, and what you find particularly appealing and important now. You will experience being able to express cherishing and to be feel cherished, in ways that will re-capture the excitement of your early romance, and create new layers of intimacy.
The sea-change in our relationship is so profound

"The work we've done with you is incredibly valuable. [Even while other things are proving challenging], all of the work that M and I have done with you seems to remain as strong and effective with us as ever.

Not sure how I can thank you enough."

Read full-length testimonials from couples →

Jared Hendrickson
Father, Artist, Teacher
The sea-change in our relationship is so profound

"The work we've done with you is incredibly valuable. [Even while other things are proving challenging], all of the work that M and I have done with you seems to remain as strong and effective with us as ever.

Not sure how I can thank you enough."

Jared Louche - Father, Teacher, Artist

Read full-length testimonials from couples →

    A Bright Future for Your Relationship

    Imagine the day when you feel secure in your partner's love and affection.

    The day when you've grown the courage to share what's in your heart.

    The day when you can enjoy each other's company at work and at home.

    When you know how to create moments of joy, flirtation, intimacy and play.

    And maybe, that day, you will feel as though you're falling in love all over again - even after all these years.
    To find out how ByHeart coaching can help you achieve this, book a no-obligation call with Margarita today
    Frequently Asked Questions
    It seems like we've tried everything. Can coaching really bring something new to our situation?
    The range of approaches that a professional can choose from goes far beyond what most people are even aware exists.

    My clients experience surprising relevations at every session. They leave each session equipped with a new perspective that moves them beyond the territory where they'd been stuck. Plus, I work with them to devise clear action steps that foster new levels of enjoyment and collaboration in their partnerships.
    It would feel embarrassing to talk to a stranger about this intimate part of our lives.
    Talking to a professional who guarantees confidentiality and a safe space is likely to feel less awkward than talking to familly, friends or colleagues who are too close and too involved to make space for your feelings and experiences - or to provide constructive guidance. Especially on such personal matters.

    I've spoken with many people in a similar situation to yours, so you can be confident and assured of a sympathetic ear. During our time, I'm entirely devoted to listening to you and helping you.
    I'm not sure I want to deepen our relationship, I'm quite annoyed with my partner right now!
    If you're reading this, there is still enough affection in you, and enough determination to find a way back to each other.

    All of your feelings will have space to get expressed and explored. I've seen annoyance and frustration get replaced by curiousity and affection. Perhaps that's what you'd like to happen for you.
    I'm not sure I can persuade my partner to try coaching.
    It is understandable if your partner is still hopeful that things would work out by themselves.

    You can begin by working with me 1-to-1. It's surprising how much new understanding about your partnership can come to light by working with a Psychosynthesis coach!
    Things aren't so bad, maybe we don't need to do anything, maybe our tensions will settle by themselves.
    It is up to you to know how long you're comfortable to keep hoping your partnership will find its feet again unaided.

    I just want you to know that things could absolutely get better - and quickly!

    The last few times when you hoped tensions in your partnership would settle by themselves, how long did it last? Perhaps it's time to try a new angle? ByHeart Coaching could be the answer you've been looking for.
    Is this right for us?
    This service not suitable if:

    1. Either one of you has both feet pointing out of the door, and is not willing to invest energy and effort into improving the relationship.

    2. Either one of you is not open to the possibility of new discoveries and is more committed to their interpretation of what has been happening, than to sustaining and reviving the essence of the relationship.
    It seems like we've tried everything. Can coaching really bring something new to our situation?
    The range of approaches that a professional can choose from goes far beyond what most people are even aware exists.

    My clients experience surprising relevations at every session. They leave each session equipped with a new perspective that moves them beyond the territory where they'd been stuck. Plus, I work with them to devise clear action steps that foster new levels of enjoyment and collaboration in their partnerships.
    It would feel embarrassing to talk to a stranger about this intimate part of our lives.
    Talking to a professional who guarantees confidentiality and a safe space is likely to feel less awkward than talking to familly, friends or colleagues who are too close and too involved to make space for your feelings and experiences - or to provide constructive guidance. Especially on such personal matters.

    I've spoken with many people in a similar situation to yours, so you can be confident and assured of a sympathetic ear. During our time, I'm entirely devoted to listening to you and helping you.
    I'm not sure I want to deepen our relationship, I'm quite annoyed with my partner right now!
    If you're reading this, there is still enough affection in you, and enough determination to find a way back to each other.

    All of your feelings will have space to get expressed and explored. I've seen annoyance and frustration get replaced by curiousity and affection. Perhaps that's what you'd like to happen for you.
    I'm not sure I can persuade my partner to try coaching.
    It is understandable if your partner is still hopeful that things would work out by themselves.

    You can begin by working with me 1-to-1. It's surprising how much new understanding about your partnership can come to light by working with a Psychosynthesis coach!
    Things aren't so bad, maybe we don't need to do anything, maybe our tensions will settle by themselves.
    It is up to you to know how long you're comfortable to keep hoping your partnership will find its feet again unaided.

    I just want you to know that things could absolutely get better - and quickly!

    The last few times when you hoped tensions in your partnership would settle by themselves, how long did it last? Perhaps it's time to try a new angle? ByHeart Coaching could be the answer you've been looking for.
    Is this right for us?
    This service is not suitable if:

    1. Either one of you has both feet pointing out of the door, and is not willing to invest energy and effort into improving the relationship.

    2. Either one of you is not open to the possibility of new discoveries and is more committed to their interpretation of what has been happening, than to sustaining and reviving the essence of the relationship.

    It's Time to Invest in Your Personal Partnership.

    Most couples shy away from tackling lingering issues because we don't know how to go about it productively. The worry that we'll make things worse can put us off from trying anything at all.

    If only you knew how to hear your partner's secret thoughts! If only you could decipher what's playing into how they're feeling and acting!

    If only you could make sense of the conflicting feelings in your own heart.

    Re-building your heartfelt connection can not only enhance your relationship, but set the ground for skyrocketing your business success.

    Couple coaching with Margarita can help you achieve this, in a safe and non-judgemental environment.
    Book a no-obligation call with Margarita today.