The results are in!

What's stopping you from setting the price you want is:

The results are in!
What's stopping you from setting the price you want is:


Congratulations on taking this quiz!

Congratulations on taking this quiz!

Based on your answers to this quiz, you've earned your stripes as a professional in your field: you know that you reliably deliver to a high standard.

It's frustrating that this high professional standard is not being reflected in high pay – yet!

Why is it that your achievements haven't yet translated into fitting financial rewards?

Chances are, you didn't choose your profession or your business primarily on the basis of the financial reward you could gain. My sense is that you were motivated, at least as much, by your love for this work.

So your challenge now is:

How to reconcile love and financial considerations?

There is no simple one-liner answer to this task.

Because your business is, in some ways, so PERSONAL to you, your prices have to make sense to you before you can confidently name them to the world, and to your prospective clients.

To achieve this, you need to make the value that your prices represent more tangible. So there 3 things you need to focus on:

  1. What is behind the more obvious benefits that your clients get from using your service. (Understanding this will enhance your sales process, as well.)

  2. What you bring to delivering your service: your dedication, training, experience, learning, tenacity, etc.
    Your service wouldn't exist without everything you've poured into it over the years – including what you've invested into it financially.

  3. Your relationship with money
    A conflicted attitude towards money can slam the brakes on, even if you fully recognise that your clients are getting exceptional value and how much you bring to the table.

Want to Learn How to Set Your Prices with Confidence?

Want to Learn How to Set Your Prices with Confidence?

My workshop 'Set Your Prices with Confidence' guides seasoned professionals and business owners just like you through a structured process to help you get a clearer sense of where each of these elements is at for you.

Sounds interesting?

If you are ready to explore some of these topics in greater depth, click the button below and register your interest for the next live workshop.
Hi There,
I'm Margarita and I am very excited to see that you've taken this quiz!

I've worked with dozens of entrepreneurs and helped them get clarity with their business and mindset so they could finally create the lifestyle they were after.

See you soon!
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach Margarita Steinberg
Hi There,

I'm Margarita and I am very excited to see that you've taken this quiz!

I've worked with dozens of entrepreneurs and helped them get clarity with their business and mindset so they could finally create the lifestyle they were after.

See you soon!