• 7-Day Challenge for Service Owners ONLY •
Discover Your Fair Reward
Choose the Price that Matches Your Values
Join me as I mentor you, over 7 days, to overcome your hesitation to ask for the true value
of your service, so you can sell profitably with dignity, integrity and confidence
• 7-Day Challenge for Service Owners ONLY •
Choose the Price
that Matches Your Values
Join me as I mentor you, over 7 days, to overcome your hesitation to ask for the true value of your service, so you can sell profitably with dignity, integrity and confidence
Together we will implement a simple step by step process
to ensure that you are asking for a fair reward for your services, with dignity, integrity and confidence!
For those who register today:
Get a bonus free Accelerator call to map out your pricing challenge
Next Live Challenge: November 7th, 2022
Feeling appropriately rewarded for the service that you offer can be tough.

Have you spent endless hours creating a brand new product or service, but struggle to know the right price to sell it for?

Have you launched free webinars, offered free downloads or even free Connection Calls, only to find that when it comes to selling your service, you just don't know how much to ask for?

Do you know the power of your service and the difference it makes in your clients' lives - and yet somehow, you still stall at selling it for a price that reflects the value it delivers?

If so, then you're going to LOVE The Fair Reward Challenge (FRC) that will will help you to see the value of your service through your clients' eyes. Knowing that you can speak their language during sales conversations will ensure that you build ethical, long-lasting and mutually rewarding relationships with them, creating a handsome income that flows into your business.
My name is Margarita Steinberg.

This is my personal invitation for you to join
The Fair Reward Challenge.

Because you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then I know something about you...


... But you are struggling to earn the income that matches the transformation clients experience with you.
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach Margarita Steinberg
Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page
The Problem
You love what you do, so much that you could find it in your heart to give it away for free. Then you hear "gurus" telling you that you should be charging thousands, and doing business begins to feel surreal.

It took me a long, long time to figure out how to find SOLID FOUNDATIONS for pricing a service so that I could feel confident in the price I ask for.

When I first started coaching I struggled to ask for £20 for a 1:1 coaching session…

I blew hot and cold, feeling that undercharging was demeaning, and that asking for more was embarrassing and would paint me as greedy-guts…

I found myself hesitating to take my service out to the world, losing precious time, feeling lost, confused and overwhelmed, with a passion to make an impact but no income.
I realised that I had no idea how people make the decision to buy, and how they judge value.

I was trying to set a price based on what seemed valuable to me - but what I had in short supply (money) seemed much more valuable than what I had to offer (my coaching skills and my time). So it seemed unlikely that anyone would be willing to make an exchange that would be worthwhile on my side.

Two realisations turned my whole thinking around:

Price is a function of relationships: Where you're at with your business determines which business goals your prices need to support. In a similar way, your clients are on a journey with their problem/aspiration, and where they're along that path will determine what resources they'll be willing to devote to solving the problems and succeeding with their aspirations.

Value resides in the client's world: You don't need to persuade them with your reasons to buy - you need to understand theirs.

Equipped with these two realisations, I set out to re-shape my sales process. I learnt to speak my clients' language, which helped them recognise what was most important, and how I could guide them towards the transformation I knew they would experience once they were charging the prices that were right for them.

Within 7 days I made my first £2k sale and I treated my partner to a luxurious dinner out.

But I wasn't celebrating the money.

I was celebrating the fact that I now had a map of how people buy, and the psychological freedom to choose my prices in a way that aligned with my values. I could now sell my service with dignity, integrity and confidence!
The Best Part
I have established a zone of comfort with my pricing, which allows me to charge £2K+ for a coaching package, as well as deliver budget-friendly workshops for Service Owners just starting out. I have helped dozens of coaches, consultants and experts to create clarity and confidence with their pricing.

Now, I want to help you to do the same...

In 7 days I will teach you everything that I know about Discovering Your Fair Reward so that, by the end of the week, you will know how to find the sweet spot between honouring your business needs and reflecting the value your clients receive.

You will be able to choose prices to support your business goals as your business evolves, enabling you to build a consistent and dependable revenue stream. And, ultimately, you'll find yourself working with action takers - people who value the difference your service will make in their lives.

That's what this 7 Day Challenge is designed to do!
Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page
The Best Part
I have established a zone of comfort with my pricing, which allows me to charge £2K+ for a coaching package, as well as deliver budget-friendly workshops for Service Owners just starting out. I have helped dozens of coaches, consultants and experts to create clarity and confidence with their pricing.

Now, I want to help you to do the same...

In 7 days I will teach you everything that I know about Discovering Your Fair Reward so that, by the end of the week, you will know how to find the sweet spot between honouring your business needs and reflecting the value your clients receive.

You will be able to choose prices to support your business goals as your business evolves, enabling you to build a consistent and dependable revenue stream. And, ultimately, you'll find yourself working with action takers - people who value the difference your service will make in their lives.

That's what this 7 Day Challenge is designed to do!
Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page
How It Works:
Over the course of the 7 days…

I'll send you a quick video...

With instructions where my team and I will give you the exact steps that you need to explore and weave together the most important aspects of how your pricing can support your business needs whilst at the same time reflecting the value your clients experience.

Committing to this challenge and following all the steps I take you through, will ensure that you...

Discover the level of reward that feels fair and worthwhile to you, so you can build a prosperous thriving business that brings you the fulfilment you aspire to.
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach Margarita Steinberg
Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page
[NAME] used this exact process...
But You Will Need to Hurry
We start soon and places are limited.
This isn't simply another one of those challenges with little interaction from those running it.

Because of Margarita's hands-on nature, and her understanding of how much guidance successful learning involves, places are strictly limited. During this challenge you will get DIRECT FEEDBACK from Margarita herself, not one of her team.

Act fast to ensure that you don't miss out.

Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page
Here's What's Inside
Margarita is a Prosperity and Leadership Coach with 4+ years' experience in the industry. She's distilled her best learning on pricing and value into a number of key areas to ensure that you can build clarity and confidence in your business fast.

Welcome to the Fair Reward Challenge.
Introducing Margarita Steinberg

✔️ The Holy Grail of Perfect Price

✔️ Why are you in business (it isn't to starve)

✔️ Get Clear on What You're Selling (you're NOT selling yourself)

✔️ Relationship Pricing

Live Q&A Every Day!
Day 1: Your Confidence Wellspring
Day 2: Price to Serve Your Clients
Day 3: Price to Serve Your Business
Day 4: Negotiate with Yourself First
Day 5: Price So You Don't Have to Sell
Day 6: When Is Price Relevant
Day 7: Price As You Grow

  • Test Your 'Money Monitor' Mode
  • Money Pleasure/Pain Index
  • Sale Call Sequence (A Non-Script)
Let's Hear From Some of Margarita's Recent Clients
Margarita has worked with dozens of coaches, consultants and experts, helping them get clear on what reward they're happy to ask for. Here are just some of them...
Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page
Frequently Asked Questions
Most coaches, consultants and experts considering participating in The Fair Reward Challenge asked...
Q: Seriously, What's the Benefit of Joining the Fair Reward Challenge?
If you are a coach, consultant or expert who has a worthwhile service but is struggling to set a price that feels fair and exciting, and that supports you in running a prosperous and thriving business, then the process inside the Fair Reward Challenge will enable you to discover SOLID FOUNDATIONS for your pricing, so you can get talking with prospective clients with confidence and start getting paid a fair premium for delivering your service.

If you find the idea of having to talk people into paying the price that you need to charge off-putting, the approach I teach inside the Challenge will help you discover your clients' reasons to commit to working with you, and to reward you handsomely for your input and support.

Q: How Much Time Will It Take Each Day?
Each day I will share with you a short video taking you through my step-by-step process, as I virtually hold your hand to discover the level of reward that feels fair and worthwhile to you, using my Fair Reward Challenge accelerator process.

You will learn the questions to ask, how to think about business goals and how to find the sweet spot, so both you and your clients feel honoured in the exchange.

We support you with ??? and so much more. Margarita personally answers your questions every single day.

If you have a service that has an audience waiting for it, joining this challenge will allow us to help you discover the price that makes sense to you and your clients.

Q: Will This Work for Service Owners Who're Just Starting Out?
The Fair Reward Challenge is only for Coaches and Service Owners who have already defined the service they wish to provide.

Until you know who your service is for and what assistance it provides, it's hard for you to make sense of how potential clients would value it.

Once you do, the best way to discover a mutually fair and beneficial price is to connect your pricing to your business needs, and to learn to understand value from the point of view of your potential clients. This is exactly what this challenge does.

Q: What If I Hate Doing Sales Calls?
We get it. When Margarita first launched her coaching business, she hated sales and would avoid getting on calls with potential clients, just because naming a price felt so squirmy. However, Margarita knew that in order to grow a successful business she had to master the sales process...

.. but only in a way that felt congruent and authentic to her.

Margarita went on to sell £2K+ coaching packages, through understanding what feels valuable to people when they're considering buying a service.

During this challenge Margarita shares with you a process that will result in your prospective clients telling you exactly what feels most important to them in estimating value, so that you never have to invent reasons for them to buy or apply pushy sales tactics. Margarita will give you the example questions, the confidence and the support.

If Not Now, Then When? If Not With Me, Then With Whom?
Most coaches, consultants and experts hesitate to sell their service because they're not sure what to charge, resulting in...

  • delay in getting sales and income into the business
  • frustration because you're not getting to deliver the value you've packed into your service
  • confusion how to make your business profitable
I've gone from struggling to ask for a worthwhile fee to learning to recognise the value of my service and receiving a handsome reward for my work.
Wellbeing and Relationship Coach Margarita Steinberg
During this challenge my goal is to help you understand the value of your service from your clients' point of view, and create the clarity to sell your service with dignity, integrity and confidence.

Now is the time to discover your Fair Reward and why clients will be willing to pay a handsome fee for your service.
Follow Her Process to Discover Your Fair Reward and Build Your Own Profitable Business with Dignity, Integrity and Confidence.
Register now and schedule your 'Accelerator Call' on the next page